October 6, 2009

Nicky's Football Game

Marcus spent the night at Mammy's and Papa's last Tuesday, I picked him up from them on Wednesday after work at Uncle Nicky's football game. Marcus had so much fun watching him play. He kept saying "Go..Go..Go..Nicky". Nicky is doing really good, scoring touchdowns and kicking off.

September 28, 2009

Fall Leaves

We took the jeep up one of the canyon's by our house over the weekend and looked at the fall leaves. It's amazing the colors that nature makes. Most of my pictures don't due justice, but i finally found a setting that almost gets the colors right. It was nice spending time together as a family.

Gardner Village

Marcus & I went to Gardner Village over the weekend. Marcus ran from pumpkin to pumpkin, he had to touch each one. While we were there, he rode a pony named C.J. and played with the goats, sheep, pigs, and cows. It was a pretty day and it was nice to be outside.


Marcus and I went to the Zoo a couple of weeks ago. Marcus had a blast. They just released the baby elephant for the public to view. It was so cute. Marcus was excited, everywhere we turned there was babies. We saw the baby elephant, giraffe, snow leopard, 3 baby tigers, and baby monkey. I'm going to have to take him there more often, we had a lot of fun.

Last Swimming of the Summer...

It was a sad day. This was the last time we went swimming. I think that they closed the pool to early, but we had fun anyway.

About Me

Jesse and I have been married for 7 years. Our lives were blessed with our son Marcus in 2007. He is our pride and joy. Jesse is a pilot and works for Million Air Salt Lake. I work for South Valley Dermatology as a CRC.