June 30, 2008


Robert, Tony, Nick and Jesse riding Colossus
The Boys riding the Rocket!
Jesse, Nick & Tony riding WICKED!
Papa & Marcus sitting on the bench watching everyone walk by.
Marcus playing in the water @ Lagoonabeach.
Marcus LOVES the water...
Jesse and Robert riding the Spider
Getting ready to BLAST off!

Daddy & Marcus riding the Lazy River at Lagoon.
Mommie, Daddy, Marcus, Mammy, Uncle Nick,
Uncle Tony and Uncle Robert going down the lazy river.
Marcus laughing @ his crazy Uncles.
Uncle Robert is helping Marcus walk in the sand. It looks like Marcus is going to be a beach lover just like his mom and mammy.
Marcus & Papa watching the Boys go on the Rocket.

June 27, 2008

Marcus's first Zoo trip. He liked watching the Elphants take a bath.

June 21, 2008

Annual Bates Lake Day - 2008

Jesse riding the Jet Ski
Kenna riding the tube. She did awesome, even with Cousin Jesse driving crazy!
Aunt Allie after she rode the wakeboard.
Grandma Bates on the boat watching the kids ride the tube.
Meghan & Marcus pulled Daddy on the tube. They drove crazy and tried to knock him off.

Marcus & Mommy @ Deer Creek

June 20, 2008

We took Meghan's family out on the boat. We went to Deer Creek. We had a lot of fun. We went to Snow's Marina to eat dinner and swim. Then we headed to Charlston Bay so Jesse and Robert could wakeboard. Everyone had a lot of fun.
Mammy, Marcus & Papa on the boat
Marcus & Uncle Robert playin
Uncle Robert getting ready to wakeboard
Jesse wakeboarding
Nicky playing flag boy.

June 19, 2008

Grammy gave Marcus licorice. Mom was not happy about it!

Marcus's First Boat Trip! He likes to ride on the boat, but he does not like his life jacket!

June 18, 2008

Marcus & Daddy in Aunt Allie's Pool!

June 5, 2008

Marcus swinging @ Papa Piscitelli's house.

Marcus & Daddy watching the President land.

About Me

Jesse and I have been married for 7 years. Our lives were blessed with our son Marcus in 2007. He is our pride and joy. Jesse is a pilot and works for Million Air Salt Lake. I work for South Valley Dermatology as a CRC.