January 6, 2009

Jesse and I gave Marcus some crayons and paper for Christmas. I gave them to him a couple of days ago so he could color. I was cleaning the bathroom while he was coloring. He only colored for a couple of minutes and then he was done and off to play with something else, but when I went into the laundry room I noticed the lovely picture that he drew for me when I wasn't paying attention.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I remember when Kairi did that to the walls with orange crayon. I was upset at the time but I'm pretty sure she was coloring again on paper the very next day. I look back and laugh at it now.

About Me

Jesse and I have been married for 7 years. Our lives were blessed with our son Marcus in 2007. He is our pride and joy. Jesse is a pilot and works for Million Air Salt Lake. I work for South Valley Dermatology as a CRC.